ISO 9001-2015
UNIT-ISO 14001
ISO 14001-2015
UNIT-ISO 45001
ISO 45001-2018



Model Approved by LATU according to Decree Law 15.298. Law Nº 1589 Art. 331 and Law Nº 19.924 Art. 296

Breath alcohol analyzer with fuel cell sensor.

  1. Breathalyzer/Spirometer designed for easy handling and delivery of immediate results on a Color Screen. The device is visible indoors or outdoors regardless of whether it is day or night shift.
  2. It offers indicators of test number, time, battery life, Bluetooth and GPS.
  3. Robust and safe breathalyzer (ergonomic design), its robust and resistant design supports the rigors of daily use, allowing it to be operated with the left or right hand, it has a 360° Rotating mouthpiece, which allows any position, so that the operator choose the safest one.
  4. Device that stores up to 10,000 tests in memory, providing a history of all tests, calibrations and verifications; which are protected by a password and with settings programmed by the user.
  5. Wireless communication. Bluetooth connectivity with wireless printers and keyboards for truly mobile testing. Use built-in GPS to provide precise location information, which is stored with each test.
  6. Data Entry: Entry is made simple with a 5-button directional pad, offering up to 20 data fields that are customizable and highly flexible.

Alcoholimetry tests with immediate results

  1. Auto Test Mode: The easiest way to perform a test. The unit has automatically preset the blowing time to be met, to obtain the test result and its alcohol percentage.
  2. Manual test mode: Allows the operator to define the blowing time to obtain the test result and its alcohol percentage.
  3. Passive test mode: Automatically checks the presence of alcohol in your breath, without using a mouthpiece.
  4. Passive non-self test: No mouthpiece needed, used for example when detecting the presence of alcohol in an open container.

Bordonix representative and authorized technical service of the brand in Uruguay.


With the representation of foreign companies, we sell speed control radars to be used in urban areas and National Routes. We also offer training courses and give after sales service to them.